
Injection rate is a key factor for successful polymer floods of viscous oil reservoirs. Injectivity during polymer flooding is lower compared to waterflooding due to the viscosity of polymer solution. Accurate estimation of injection rate/pressure build-up due to polymer injection is essential to evaluation and design of polymer flood projects. Typically, a short-term polymer injectivity test is performed on a single well, but it is hard to extrapolate future behavior of polymer injectivity because the tests are often too short. Reservoir simulation can be used to forecast injectivity, but the grid size and radial flow often affect the calculated injectivity. Analytical methods provide simple and quick ways to estimate injectivity using realistic reservoir conditions. The goal of this work is to develop an analytical tool and demonstrate its applicability by comparison with field data. An analytical solution is developed for the injectivity of horizontal wells in polymer floods in viscous oil reservoirs. The analytical solution is validated by comparing it to a numerical field-scale box model simulation. The pressure profiles are calculated using spreadsheets and compared against the data from several fields with increasing degrees of complexity. In each case, the analytical-spreadsheet method provides close matches of injection pressure data. This analytical tool can be used for preliminary design of polymer floods before getting into more complex and time-consuming reservoir simulations. • Developed an analytical solution for injectivity in viscous oil polymer floods. • Compared the analytical solution to numerical simulation with grid refinement. • Compared analytical solution to field data from 5 wells. • Novel tool to design and optimize polymer floods in viscous oil reservoirs.

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