
Valmika Mrittika (ant hill soil) is widely used in clinical practice by folklore practitioners in most of the skin ailments. Lepa of Valmika Mrittika has wonderful effects on skin. Many temples in South Canara, give this Valmika Mrittika as Prasadam for the skin disorders. Acne Vulgaris is a common skin disorder of pilosebaceous unit that primarily affects the face, chest and back which if not treated may lead to permanent scarring. Youvana Pidaka (Acne vulgaris) occurs due to vitiation of Kapha, Vata as Doshas, Rakta and Twak as Dooshyas. Valmika Mrittika is very effective in Kapha-Vataja disorder. As disease limited to skin, Lepa Chikitsa is most suitable and convenient treatment suggested for acne. Hence, an in vitro analytical study of Valmika Mrittika w.s.r to Youvana Pidaka (Acne vulgaris) was conducted. Valmika Mrittika collected and analytical study was done including macronutrients and micronutrients. Analytical study revealed the contents such as Protein – 800 μg/g, Phenols-0.03μg/g, Tannins-0.24μg/g in the sample of Valmika Mrittika which are found to have anti acne and Varnya properties.

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