
The newly emerging diseases and diminishing immunity have made humans to seriously think about their health. Lifestyle modulation and adaptation according to climate is the need of hour. The glorious Ayurveda has its principal focus of conserving health and prevention of disease before their occurrence.[1] Aacharya’s have described Dincharya (daily regimen) and Ritucharya (seasonal regimen). One can cherish good health by following proper Ritucharya, described in classical texts of Ayurveda. The living beings especially humans are hugely affected by the change in climate. The features of all the Ritus, dietary and habitual modulation according to changing Ritu has been widely explained in the foremost texts of Ayurveda. Here, the Sharad Ritu which is one of the Ritu’s of Dakshinayan is overviewed so as to present the dietary and behavioural regimen in this season. The Sharad Ritu marks the transition from summers to winters. The hot sun rays in Sharad Ritu exaggerate the Pitta Dosha which is already accumulated in body in the Varsha Ritu. So dietary and habitual modifications which are Pitta Shamak in nature should be followed in Sharad Ritu along with the Shodhan procedures like Virechan and Raktamokshan.

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