
Abstract: The purpose of this study was to determine the ‎percentage of visual illustrations in elementary chemistry ‎textbooks that meet educational standards and the degree to ‎which they vary by grade level (ninth and tenth). To achieve the ‎objectives of the study, an analysis form was designed to ‎analyze the pictures, graphics, tables, and charts. It consisted of ‎‎20 criteria distributed over five domains: realism; accuracy, ‎clarity, and color; related to objectives and content; size and ‎density; and consideration for learners. The results indicated ‎that the general average of the percentage of verification of ‎educational standards for the illustrations as a whole in the ‎chemistry textbook for the ninth grade was 94.1%, with a high ‎degree, and the standards ranged between 79% and 100%.. In ‎the tenth grade textbook, the general average of the percentage ‎of verification of educational standards for the illustrations as a ‎whole was 92.8 percent with a high degree, and the standards ‎ranged between 76% and 100%..The percentages of domains ‎that have been verified in the two textbooks are ordered as ‎follows: The domains of realism, association with aims, size ‎and density, accuracy, clarity, and color, and finally the domain ‎of learner consideration, all with high degrees.The results also ‎revealed that there was no statistically significant difference in ‎the percentage of verification of the educational standards for ‎the visual illustrations as a whole between the ninth and tenth ‎grade textbooks. At the level of domains, there were significant ‎differences between the two textbooks in the field of ‎consideration for learners in favor of the ninth grade textbook. ‎However, there were significant differences in five criteria at the ‎level of standards. Three criteria were in favor of the ninth ‎grade, namely: (the title fits with the illustration, is linked to the ‎learner's previous experiences, and gives the learner positive ‎attitudes), and two criteria were in favor of the tenth grade, ‎namely: (achieving all aims related to the concept, the ‎illustration's density of concepts and information is ‎appropriate).‎ ‎(Keywords: Chemistry Textbooks, Content Analysis, ‎Educational Standards, Illustrations, Ninth and Tenth Grades)‎

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