
The talk about the Rights of LGBTQ community is relatively new to Indian Society. But the ignorance and discrimination they face in the society for their sexual preferences and body types is not new for them, they have been subjected to this kind of treatment in the society for quite some time now. Although in the year 2017, Supreme Court of India has decriminalized the homosexuality in India giving a loud and clear message that it is normal and a matter of choice.And no one should be looked down upon just because they do not confine to the binaries i.e. Male and Female. But, irrespective of all this, the behavioral change is still lacking in terms of showing acceptance and normalizing the concept of homosexuality in the society. The study looks into the problems that are being faced by people belonging to LGBTQ Community in India, the level of acceptance shown by people for their choices in contemporary Indian Society and the kind of impact it has on their psychological well-being.

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