
Abstract: Equal opportunities are a crucial element among employees in workplace so as to enhance performance and achieve social justice within the community. Therefore, the equal opportunity isn't a slogan to be raised, or claim to be invited, but it is a political will and national strategy. This research aims to spot the contributions and therefore the effects of equal opportunities on the worker performance in workplace and analyses the effectiveness of equal opportunities on employee performance among employees. There are organizational processes that result in class, racial and gender inequalities. Many inequalities occur because of implicit bias. Many people argue that women derive their social status from the men around them, such as their fathers and husbands. This is because femininity, throughout history, has been associated with procreation and family education. The scale of equal opportunities namely; equal opportunity, equal employee training, equal payment, recruitment and selection. The result of the analysis shows positive impact on equal employment opportunities and employee performance in the organization. Thus, this text is significance as its concerning on the long run directions moreover as addresses other variables within the workplace which may be utilized to enhance this area.

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