
The movement and degradation of pesticide residues in soils and groundwater are complex processes affected by soil physical, (bio)chemical, and hydrogeological properties, climatic conditions, and agricultural practices. This work presents a physically-based analytical model suitable for long-term predictions of pesticide concentrations in groundwater. The primary interest is to investigate the impact of soil environment, related physical and (bio)chemical processes, especially, volatilization, crop uptake, and agricultural practices on long-term vulnerability of groundwater to contamination by pesticides. The soil is separated into root and intermediate vadose zones, each with uniform properties. Transport in each soil zone is modeled on the basis of complete mixing, by spatial averaging the related point multiphase-transport partial differential equation (i.e., linear-reservoir models). Transport in the aquifer, however, is modeled by a two-dimensional advection-dispersion transport equation, considering adsorption and first-order decay rate. Vaporization in the soil is accounted for by assuming liquid-vapor phase partitioning using Henry's law, and vapor flux (volatilization) from the soil surface is modeled by diffusion through an air boundary layer. Sorption of liquid-phase solutes by crops is described by a linear relationship which is valid for first-order (passive) crop uptake. The model is applied to five pesticides (atrazine, bromacil, chlordane, heptachlor, and lindane), and the potential for pesticide contamination of groundwater is investigated for sandy and clayey soils. Simulation results show that groundwater contamination can be substantially reduced for clayey soil environments, where bio(chemical) degradation and volatilization are most efficient as natural loss pathways for the pesticides. Also, uptake by cross can be a significant mechanism for attenuating exposure levels in ground-water especially in a sandy soil environment, and for relatively persisting pesticides. Further, simulations indicate that changing agricultural practices can have a profound effect on vulnerability of groundwater to mobile and relatively persisting pesticides.

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