
The variability of the X-ray emission from active galactic nuclei is often characterized using time lags observed between soft and hard energy bands in the detector. The time lags are usually computed using the complex cross-spectrum, which is based on the Fourier transforms of the hard and soft time series data. It has been noted that some active galactic nuclei display soft X-ray time lags, in addition to the more ubiquitous hard lags. Hard time lags are thought to be produced via propagating fluctuations, spatial reverberation, or via the thermal Comptonization of soft seed photons injected into a hot electron cloud. The physical origin of the soft lags has been a subject of debate over the last decade. Currently, the reverberation interpretation is recognized as a leading theory. In this paper, we explore the alternative possibility that the soft X-ray time lags result partially from the thermal and bulk Comptonization of monochromatic seed photons which, in the case of the narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxy 1H 0707-495, may correlate with fluorescence of iron L-line emission. In our model, the seed photons are injected into a hot, quasi-spherical corona in the inner region of the accretion flow. We develop an exact, time-dependent analytical model for the thermal and bulk Comptonization of the seed photons based on a Fourier-transformed radiation transport equation, and we demonstrate that the model successfully reproduces both the hard and soft time lags observed from 1H 0707-495.

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