
ABSTRACT This paper presents a method for determining the performance of shuttle-based storage and retrieval systems (SBS/RS) with tier-captive, single-aisle shuttles serving tiers of multiple-deep storage and using a class-based storage policy. This approach is used in the design process of SBS/RS and in the upgrading process of existing SBS/RS. With this approach, it is possible to evaluate the improvement in the performance of multiple-deep storage system by applying a class-based storage policy. The basis of this calculation method is a continuous-time, open-queueing system with limited capacity. The cycle times of lifts and shuttles, as determined by a spatial value approach, combined with a probability-based approach to mention the storage policy. To take the multiple-deep storage into account, another probability-based approach is applied. A European material handling provider had given the data used in this publication. Through an example, the influences of the storage policy and the storage depth are depicted.

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