
The objective of this study is to examine the determinants that impact stock market investment in Brazil, specifically in the city of Salvador. Emerging nations have the potential to utilize these marketplaces to foster their economies. Nevertheless, certain emerging countries may lack familiarity with the procedure. The stock exchange is a favored choice for companies seeking lucrative investment prospects. Investors usually make decisions in these markets by analyzing projected returns and risks connected with their investments, as these marketplaces are where financial transactions occur. Investors generally avoid high-revenue investments because of the considerable risks involved, choosing instead to pursue low-risk, low-revenue businesses. The present study was examined using a quantitative approach. The research was conducted in Salvador. Out of the 100 surveys distributed by the researcher, only 71 questionnaires were received and completed accurately. The researcher utilized single-regression analysis to identify the elements that impact stock exchange investment. According to the data, the stock market is most influenced by the supply and demand factor, which has the greatest impact. It is followed by the economic factor, the third component being competition, and finally the political element, which has the least influence. The data indicate that supply and demand have a significant influence on stock exchange investment in Brazil.

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