
This paper analyses Thomas Joseph White's “Jesus’ Cry on the Cross and His Beatific Vision” in his article Thomas Joseph White considers the cry of which is recorded as His last words of Christ according to the Gospel of St Mark: White argues that “the death cry of Christ” should be understood as a prayer and a cry of hope for the redemption of humanity. White does not deny that Christ was in agony as he died nor that Mark records what Jesus actually said, however he argues that “the death cry of Christ” is compatible with Christ’s earthly beatific vision. After analysing White's position this paper supports White’s view that “the death cry of Christ” is compatible with Christ’s earthy beatific vision. It presents some further arguments in support of that view noting: (i) the context in which those words appear in the Gospels and in light of Psalm 22; (ii) the fact that “the death cry of Christ” was a single cry in a state of extreme suffering which could not have been sinfully willful; and (iii) that Christ’s resurrection itself denies the possibility of Christ experiencing sinful despair.

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