
The current investigation utilizes textual analysis approach on Jean Rhys’s Wide Sargasso Sea in the light of Transculturalism theory proposed by Jeff Lewis (2012). This study paves the way to provide hybridity as a product of culture and touches the theme of transculturalism which is compatible with globalization. This analysis explores the complexity of hybrid culture and how this culture prompts the racial identity. It is shown that hybridity is an alleged myth on which western culture is dominant. Wide Sargasso Sea gives the complete depiction of West Indies and it tells about the emancipation act of 1833 as well. It also describes few deep elements by mentioning characters who become the victim of this complexity. Doubtlessly transculture frees the human from boundaries and make the human as boundless entities with unique cultures but this concept “having no boundary” creates a lot of problems and the most imperative fact is “complexity of identities”. This study concludes with the assertion that hybrid culture prompts the racial identity.

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