
Acid extracts of the pars intermedia of the squamate reptile Lacerta galloti were screened for immunoreactive forms of proopiomelanocortin (POMC)-related end products following Sephadex G-50 column chromatography, α-MSH-sized end products were detected with a Val-NH 2, C-terminal-specific RIA, and β-endorphin-sized end products were detected with a separate C-terminal-directed RIA. Five peaks of α-MSH-related immunoreactivity were isolated following fractionation by reversed-phase HPLC. Based on a comparison of the reversed-phase HPLC properties and the net positive charges (pH 2.75) of the Lacerta forms of α-MSH to those of the mammalian forms of α-MSH and Anolis carolinensis ACTH(I-13)NH 2, it appears that the N-acetylation of α-MSH is a major post-translational processing event in the pars intermedia of L. galloti. Although multiple forms of β-endorphin were detected in the pars intermedia of L. galloti following cation-exchange chromatography, the low levels of N-acetylated β-endorphin detected with an N -acetyl-specific β-endorphin RIA indicate that the N-acetylation of β-endorphin in this species is a minor post-translational processing event. This pattern of POMC processing in the pars intermedia of L. galloti is similar to the processing events observed for the turtle Pseudemys scripta , but distinct from the processing events observed in the squamate reptile A. Carolinensis.

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