
The relationship between mobility and consumption pattern has been neglected in the past particularly in developing countries. Socio-economic mobility is the movement of individuals, social groups, or categories of people in the layers or strata between two different periods. For effective policy making, it is important to gauge the mobility pattern which portrays the socio-economic changes of society over the period as opposed to at one point in time. This brings up the need to examine the way in which elements of socio-economic mobility impacts the consumption in the emerging class of the society. Socio-economic factors and their influence on intra-temporal household mobility reveal the education as an important mediating factor in Northern Punjab. Whereas, opportunity of education and occupation work together to bridge the gap between an increase in household income and socio-economic status. This study concludes that education and occupation based mobility of households divert their consumption pattern toward more cultural goods. The emerging class seems to be attracted more towards conspicuous consumption including private schools, health care, shopping and the consumer goods to enhance their living standards.

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