
The film series “White Snake” of Light Chaser Animation is an attempt to internationalize Chinese comics in terms of cultural elements, characterization and core spirit.However, in the midst of continuous innovation, Chinese comics also face new dilemmas, and how to get out of this dilemma is the key to further development of Chinese comics in current era. By using both documentary and case study methods, I review the literature on the “White Snake” series to understand how the film has been received by audiences in China and the overseas market. What’s more, to gain a comprehensive understanding of the current state of adaptation of Chinese comics base on the various aspects of the adaptation and innovation of “White Snake” in the literature of others.Then, in the part of the study on new dilemmas, I use the method of comparative thinking to compare “White Snake” with the success of foreign films called “Kung Fu Panda” and “Dragon Ball” respectively, and come to the conclusion that national comics already have good innovation in terms of cultural elements and characterization, but in order to further develop Chinese comics, we need to combine the core spirit with the current trend of the times, and through the localization of foreign culture to arouse the cultural resonance of the new era.

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