
In this chapter the author made a research on the physical condition of eveningschool students, especially in the light of physiological function.1) In respect to their physical growth, it was found that they are short with an unproportionately long trunk.2) It was found that they have a small vital-capacity of the lung and a weaker eye-sight which is one of the most marked physical signes of evening-school students.3) Results of the examination of their motor fitness show that on all the items taken up for the examination they are, more or less, inferior to day-school students, particularly in equilibrium, endurance, and their circulatory and respiratory performance.4) Blood-examination is very important for evening-school students as one of the effective methods for their health-supervision. It helps to discover students in ill-health which could not be checked either by X-ray examination or physical measurement carried out once a year.5) A type of screening method was adopted for the purpose of mass-examination of the blood.6) The hemoglobin-level of evening-school students is 15.26 g/dl (in boys) and 13.64 g/dl (in girls), showing a lower level than those in day-school students. The change of their hemoglobin-level in the recent five years, is pararell to the change of economic situation of Japan in general, but is should be noted that the hemoglobin-level is found lower than that of gerenal Japanese population.7) The measurement of specific gravity of the whole blood (Gb) is equally important for the health-supervision of evening-school students. In fact, it is re-vealed that 10-30% of the students showed anemic findings.8) Nutrition is also supposed to be one of the most important factors in solving the health problems of evening-school students. Those who have anemic tendency are especially present among the students of the lower-calory group. The average a mount of calory taken by evening-school students found as 2387 Cal/day (in boys) and 1879 Cal/day (in girls).9) As regards the students of the lower-calory group, it was discovered that the amount of wheat, fish, milk, eggs, fat and sugar taken by them is markedly reduced, and that their meal-time is considerably unsettled and irregular. Regarding meal-time of evening school students, it was observed that the neareg to the week end, the later is the suopertime,

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