
In this paperwork, we at first presented the basic introduction to the Kashmir issue and then tried to shed light on its current scenario, especially after 05th August 2019, by answering a series of-questions in the explanation section, such as why India claims Kashmir to be its integral part? Why does Pakistan reject the Indian claim? Why does India call Kashmir to be its internal matter while Pakistan denies it? What was Kashmir's Special Status? Or what were Articles 370 and 35 (A) of the Indian Constitution?Why did India revoke the special status of Kashmir? Or why did India revoke Articles 370 and 35 A in 2019?What is the legal status of 'Instrument of Accession'? Why was the revocation of Special Status of Kashmir thought to be a violation of certain legal provisions? Or what laws have been violated by India? What makes Kashmir a nuclear flash point or a time bomb? Or what are the implications or consequences of revocation?What this paper argues is that revocation of articles 370 and 35A is a violation of the Indian constitution itself, UN resolutions and other provisions of the international law and must be taken notice of by the international community as the region is a nuclear flashpoint and the issue of Kashmir may be a triggering point for anything that can threaten the peace of the region.

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