
The revolutionary struggle in the southern border of the motherland in the region of The Left and The Right River has far-reaching historical influence and great contemporary value.In particular, in the course of the Baise Uprising and Longzhou Uprising, countless heroes and martyrs shone with military temperament, noble sentiments and wise thoughts. Although these distinctive characters occurred in the revolutionary era, the spirit of practicality, courage, pioneering, sacrifice, unity and pragmatism embedded in them has a rich ideological connotation over time.The martyrs' deeds and style mean a lot to this red land. Standing at a new stage of development and taking into account the characteristics of the times, we innovate in terms of sublimating the values of the times, propaganda techniques, propaganda means, creating a social atmosphere and improving the education system of universities, and vigorously promote the fine style of the revolutionary martyrs of The Left and The Right River Regions, so that it will have a renewed value in the new era. The people of southwest Guangxi will be inspired to put the martyrs' style into the system, into the text, into the realm, into the teaching, and into the public, it will become a leading spiritual value in southwest Guangxi, transforming it into a driving force for courageous progress, and providing excellent spiritual encouragement and faith support for the rejuvenation of the dream together.

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