
Information and Communication Technologies have since its inception become a very vital aspect of human life as a result of its power to make things easier. Integration of ICT in firms will expand the communication platform and make it easily accessible for the users, which will result to an increase in the flow of information within the system and increase troubleshooting solutions. The end product is an increase in productivity and profitability because the staffs within the system have been provided with a more open access to information and the necessary support in their job process. In any case, there have been recorded accounts of ICT failure in firms (for instance: Flyvbjerg, 2007), leading to suggestions that there is a need to understand the influence success of ICT programs in companies in order to boost the chances of such success. On that account, this paper was designed to understand these factors with respect to how they influence success or failure of ICT adoption and implementation – with special focus on ICT firms in Malaysia. The finding reveals similar accounts with earlier literature on the topic of project management in the sense that, TIME, SPECIFICATION and BUDGET were all determined to be of influential role in the success or failure of ICT projects. An additional area that was explored is to understanding of how level of happiness in the stakeholders can be used to measure the success or failure of an ICT project. The finding also revealed that the higher the stakeholders (management, project team and customers) are happy then the higher the success of the project and vice versa.

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