
The Bachelor of Science in Geology degree is offered by nearly 300 universities and colleges in the United States. The curriculum of these degree programs is composed of three parts: core required and elective geology courses, cognate science requirements, and general education requirements. Analysis of the frequency of inclusion of courses in the required core has lead to the identification of four curricular patterns common to geology departments. Conversely, there is much more commonality in the cognate science requirements nationally in that two semesters of chemistry, physics, and calculus are required by two thirds of all Bachelor of Science programs. The structure and organization of general education requirements vary significantly as do the number of required credit hours embedded in the general education program. Analysis of the Bachelor of Science in Geology degree serves two important purposes: first, it provides a database upon which informed discussions of curricular content and accreditation standards can be made; second, it provides departments undergoing program review a basis for comparison with other institutions and national norms.

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