
This study is an endeavor to investigations “Awareness and attitude of educated female youth regarding women rights: A Study of Female of BZU, Multan City”. The primary target of this work was to see the degree of mindfulness about conjugal freedoms among educated women and to check the degree of training of the privileges of women giving by Islam. The fundamental objectives for the present study included to test out the height of practices of the right of the women specified by Islam as well as to observe the level of consciousness regarding marital rights and property rights among educated women. Furthermore, the relation between the level of education and women empowerment was also being explored. For this reason, females were chosen for information assortment and sample size was confined to 120 females of BZU Multan. Simple random sampling technique was utilized for the study. Questionnaire was utilized as a tool for data compilation. For estimating purpose, Likert scale was utilized to uncover the causal connection between ladies’ mindfulness and their freedoms. The investigation discovered that the female understudy’s contrast in familiarity with lady privileges. It was concluded that there is noteworthy dissimilarity in student awareness of educational right with respect of discipline as well as noteworthy distinction in student awareness of health with respect of degree level.

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