
African Americans are often associated with weakness in the United States. They not only have a difficult life, but they also face discrimination and hatred as a result of their insecure employment. But, in reality, African Americans have faced a lot of pushback and struggle since the end of the nineteenth century, and they continue to do so to this day. Since the promulgation and implementation of the National Declaration of Human Rights, more than 170 states have launched varying degrees of anti-black movements: the United States Constitution states that all citizens have equal civil rights, and the federal government shall not deprive citizens of their liberties in any way. This paper focuses on the reasons for American societys perspective on this problem, as well as the related conduct throughout the segregation period. From a social standpoint, a complete and in-depth investigation and study of African Americans can assist in improving understanding, raise consciousness, and promote societal harmony and growth. This study investigates a wide range of American societys perspectives and behaviors on the topic of black segregation through a literature review and collects relevant materials to create a theoretical foundation for this paper. According to the findings of the study, under the segregation period, the majority of white people were treated unfairly because of the concept of white supremacy, while the majority of African Americans who opposed apartheid were for the same rights. At the same time, the minorities were white students and members of racial organizations who opposed it because they advocated equality. There are relevant pieces of literature about other groups and persons of other races other than African Americans who opposed the unequal treatment of African Americans throughout the segregation period. This component may be the subject of future investigation.

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