
Abstract: Ayurveda is an integrated medical science. Ayurveda's main goals are to maintain the health of healthy individuals and to treat patients' illnesses. The current situation presents more difficulties for health science because of the prevalence of non-communicable diseases. A non-infectious or non-contagious disease is referred to as a non-communicable disease (NCD). The non-communicable disease osteoporosis (OP) is significant. Osteoporosis is becoming more commonplace every day. Women and older people are more likely to experience it. Reduced bone mass and changes in bony tissue are symptoms of osteoporosis, a metabolic systemic disease. Ayurveda is regarded as a pioneer in life sciences and explains how to avoid and treat lifestyle disorders. Using Ayurvedic principles, There is no specific clinical condition like osteoporosis mentioned in the Samhitas of Ayurveda. 18 different types of kshaya were described in Ayurvedic literature, though. Asthikhsaya among them could be regarded as osteoporosis. The role of Strotas in asthikshaya, as described in Ayurvedic samhitas, is discussed in this paper using an ayurvedic concept. There is no specific clinical condition like osteoporosis mentioned in the Samhitas of Ayurveda. 18 different types of kshaya were described in Ayurvedic literature, though. Asthikhsaya among them could be regarded as osteoporosis. The role of Strotas in asthikshaya, as described in Ayurvedic samhitas, is discussed in this paper using an ayurvedic concept.

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