
This study aims to obtain a geological model which is close to the truth and compare accuracy between the time domain 3D image of the PSTM results with the depth domain 3D image of PSDM results. There are 3 parameters to determine the accuracy of an interval velocity model in the production of a geology model: depth gathering that is already flat, semblance that has concurred with zero residual move-out axes, and depth image which conforms to the marker (well seismic tie). The analytical method employed is Horizon Based Tomography, which is a method to correct the seismic wave travel time error along the analyzed horizon. Reducing errors in the travel time of the seismic wave will decrease depth errors. This improvement is expected to provide correct information about subsurface geological conditions. The results showed that the depth domain image generated by the PSDM process represents the actual geological model better than time domain image produced by the PSTM process, evidenced by the sharpening of the reflector continuity, reduction of pull-up effect, and high resolution.

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