
One of the technology implementation in education is for learning evaluation. Computer Based Test (CBT) can be used as an assessment in learning evaluation. The research aim to analyse technology acceptance of Vocational High School (SMK) CBT using Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and Theory Of Planned Behavior (TPB) integration. This research uses corellational research with ex-post facto approach. The participants in this research are Vocational students who use CBT on daily test, Mid Test and Final test. The total of the participants are 137 students of SMK and the participants are chosen by stratified random sampling technique. The data is analysed using SEM (Structural Equation Model) with SmartPLS Version 3.0 software. The result of this research indicate that the model comply the value of Goodness of fit SMSR of 0,063 and show that (1) Computer Self Efficacy effect on PEOU; (2) Complexity effects on PEOU; (3) PEOU effects on PU; (4) PU effects on ATU; (5) PEOU effects on ATU; (6) PU does not effects on BIUS; (7) ATU effects on BIUS; (8) SN effects on BIUS; (9) PBC effects on BIUS. The technology acceptance model that is obtained can give the description that regardless of the benefits of CBT, if there is no regulation to use CBT, the system of CBT will not effect the intention to use the system.

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