
Punjab is one of those Indian states which adopted new agricultural technology which resulted increase the large use of capital inputs to get the benefits of this technology. The technological transformation of agriculture reduced the demand for labour in agriculture which shrinks the employment opportunities. The non-farming households were unable to fulfill their consumption requirements because of the low level of income. Their economic condition has deteriorated remarkably. The present paper examined the socio-economic conditions and indebtedness among non-farming households in rural Punjab. It was found that more than two-fifths of the population of non-farming households were earning dependents and one-fifth households were still living in concreted houses. Despite initiating a number of employments programmes and aids to non-farming households for uplifting their levels of living, still, a large proportion of non-farming households lack basic amenities for a decent standard of living. Their earning was so low to meet basic requirements for living and about ninety percent of the households were living under the heavy burden of debt.

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