
The general task of the present work is to test the correlation between experimental resistivity and atomic ordering in alloys. The authors used the Rossiter model to describe the SRO contribution to the total electrical resistivity. This model allows them to calculate the SRO resistivity at a given temperature as long as the Cowley-Warren parameters are known. The theory of Clapp and Moss (1966) has been applied to obtain the Cowley-Warren parameters as functions of temperature and interaction energies of atoms at different distances. Hence, the SRO resistivity could, like the Cowley-Warren parameters, be represented as a function of interaction energies and temperature. To test this model the authors used experimental resistivity data for Ni3Mn, and from the total resistivity they obtained the SRO contribution, to which they fitted the model function. From the above calculations the authors got the values of interaction energies, from which they could obtain the temperature dependencies of the Cowley-Warren parameters.

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