
n June 1958, the Congress of the United States created the Outdoor Recreation Resources Review Commission. It clharge(d tllis group with the responsibility of compiling a national inventory of outdoor recreation facilities anid resources an(d of (leterminiing thie types, locations, and number of resoulrces needed by present and future generationis, particularly those of 1975 and 2000. To accomplish these tasks, the Commissioni employe(d a professionial staff, conducted a national survey Nvithl the aid of the Bureau of the Census, coIntracted or conducted over 100 additional independent research investigations and comiipile(d the most extensive bibliography ever published in the field of organized recreation. The total operation expended some three million dollars and required three and one-half years to complete. The final report of the Commission was received by the Congress in January 1962. Legislation is now being prepared to implemenit the ORRRC's recommendations. During the preliminary stages of a Nationial Recreation Survey (1960), this writer was employed by the Commission as a Consultant with the specific task of reviewing the literature for data relevant to the survey. The results of this endeavor could not be made available, however, until the Commission's final report was received by the Congress. The materials are now available as an appendix to the Commission's Report.1

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