
Mass movement refers to the concept which is supported by a large segment of population especially one which doesn’t involve much of the elite section. In India itself, we have witnessed many movements beginning from the struggle for independence to the current Anna Hazare’s Anti Corruption Movement. Media’s inevitable role in success of a campaign is well established and plays a vital role to make any campaign a success. The definition of media in today’s world has changed and it has turned into an integrated platform that deals with different modes of communication to make it more effective. In context of Hazare’s campaign; Internet & Social Media sites have been abuzz with articles/messages showing support for Anna Hazare’s fight against corruption and his plea to pass Jan Lokpal Bill. For example–Facebook now has over 100 pages dedicated to Anna Hazare and his campaign. New media being a most popular media among the youth is giving new dimensions. New media is a broad term in media studies that emerged in the latter part of the 20th century. For example, new media holds out a possibility of on-demand access to content anytime, anywhere, on any digital device, as well as interactive user feedback, creative participation and community formation around the media content. Another important promise of new media is the “democratization” of the creation, publishing, distribution and consumption of media content. Facebook is an example on the social media model, in which most users are also participants. Present paper is an attempt to demystify the role of new media as a tool to increase reach of mass movements. For the purpose of study data was collected from various pages of social networking sites and analyzed on the basis of set parameters. A small survey is also conducted through purposive sampling technique to add the audience perspective into the study. Result of the study has interesting story about the new media as well as mass movement and both are complementing each other. Though new media users are very few in number, yet a large audience rates new media as the best available platform to voice one’s opinion about a movement.

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