
Abstract. The objective of the study is to conduct a comprehensive examination of how different neighbourhood types, namely spherical, cylindrical, and k-nearest neighbour (kNN), influence the feature extraction capabilities of the PointNet++ architecture in the semantic segmentation of Airborne Laser Scanning (ALS) point clouds. Two datasets are utilized for semantic segmentation analysis: the Dayton Annotated LiDAR Earth Scan (DALES) and the ISPRS 3D Semantic Labelling Benchmark datasets. In the experiments, the kNN method exhibited approximately 1% higher accuracy in weighted mean F1 and intersection over union (IoU) metrics compared to the spherical and cylindrical neighbourhood types on the DALES dataset. However, in the generalization experiment conducted on the ISPRS dataset, the spherical neighbourhood achieved the best results in these metrics, outperforming the cylindrical neighbourhood by a small margin. Notably, the kNN method was the least accurate, with a decrease in accuracy of approximately 1% in both weighted mean IoU and F1 scores. These findings suggest that the features extracted from spherical and cylindrical neighbourhood types are more generalizable compared to those from the kNN method.

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