
Mobility database that stores the users' location records is very important to connect calls to mobile users on personal communication networks. If the mobility database fails, calls to mobile users may not be set up in time. This paper studies failure restoration of mobility database. We study per-user location record checkpointing schemes that checkpoint a user's record into a non-volatile storage from time to time on a per-user basis. When the mobility database fails, the user location records can be restored from the backup storage. Numeric analysis has been used to choose the optimum checkpointing interval so that the overall cost is minimized. The cost function that we consider includes the cost of checkpointing a user's location record and the cost of paging a user due to an invalid location record. Our results indicate that when user registration intervals are exponentially distributed, the user record should never be checkpointed if checkpointing costs more than paging. Otherwise, if paging costs more, the user record should be always checkpointed when a user registers.

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