
Bacteria have been widely used as an agent for bioremediation of hydrocarbon contamination. Exploration of mangrove habitats for potential bacterial isolates have also been carried out. This study aims to explore the potential of three bacterial isolates from mangrove habitats in Jakarta for hydrocarbon degrading capabilities. Screening for potential bacterial isolates was carried out according to Ilyina (2003). Bacterial growth was measured using the Total Plate Count method and selected isolates were then analyzed for hydrocarbon degrading capabilities using Gas Chromatography. From 12 (twelve) soil samples, 11 (eleven) isolates were further analyzed and 3 (three) isolates: HL 8_5, SM 2_2 and SM 1_7 displayed good growth in Bushnell Haas medium containing 1% diesel oil. Analysis of remaining hydrocarbon with Gas Chromatography showed a decrease in diesel oil concentration, which was indicated by a decrease in concentration of several alkane hydrocarbons contained in diesel oil with a C15-C24 chain length. The percentage of hydrocarbon decrease varies among the three strains. Strain HL 8_5 displayed the ability to reduce Tricosane and Tetracosane at 4,94% and 9,43% respectively. Strain SM 1_7 displayed the ability to reduce eicosane, a C20 alkane hydrocarbon at 19,14% and heptadecane, a C17 alkane hydrocarbon at 20,17% while strain SM 2_2 displayed a decrease of heptadecane 20,17%. The results indicate that each strain has a different type of enzyme for utilizing and degrading hydrocarbons. Further work is recommended for the strain SM 1_7 as phenotypic characterization suggests the strain belong in the genus Pseudomonas, which is known to have hydrocarbon degrading capabilities.

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