
Lower extremity rehabilitation-assisted exoskeleton robots bring together multiple disciplines such as biomechanics, control engineering, robotics, and computer science. The main role of lower extremity rehabilitation exoskeleton robots is to help patients and rehabilitators to maintain or restore the mobility of lower extremities, therefore, proper research and discussion of human gait analysis is the basis for establishing and improving such exoskeleton robots. To analyse and evaluate the positive effects of modern technology on stroke patients, the development of human gait capture and simulation technologies will be mainly summarized, the latest human gait capture and simulation technologies will be classified and evaluated. And through a comprehensive review and analysis of research advances in these areas, the usefulness of lower extremity rehabilitation-assisted exoskeleton robots for stroke populations is evaluated. This paper is informative in studying the usefulness of a lower limb exoskeleton robot combined with gait capture and simulation technology for rehabilitation training of stroke patients.

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