
A new type of electromagnetic-acoustic transducer (EMAT) has been developed that may be particularly suitable for use as an element of ultrasonic arrays. The new transducer can generate and receive compact ultrasonic pulses that exhibit a component of polarization parallel to the free surface. In the plane of symmetry that is normal to the free surface and bisects the EMAT (the sagittal plane), the ultrasonic signals generated by the new transducer are SH waves. In addition, the new transducer can efficiently receive ultrasonic signals from a very wide range of direction in the sagittal plane. This property is required to realize very long synthetic aperture lengths, which are needed to maximize the transverse resolution of ultrasonic inspection systems. The focusing performance of different linear synthetic array configurations using the new EMAT is compared analytically with that of a linear end-fire system using per iodic-permanent-magnet (PPM) EMATs that have been used in the past in weld inspection. The advantages and inherent limitations of such systems are examined using analytical and numerical methods. Particular emphasis is placed on the analysis of arrays that can be focused obliquely with respect to the free surface and the potential usefulness of such systems in weld inspection.KeywordsSagittal PlaneDirectivity PatternUltrasonic SignalUltrasonic BeamPolarize Shear WaveThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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