
The supply chain consists of those activities assoc iated with manufacturing from raw material acquisit ion to final product delivery. Because of the recently changed environmental requi rements that affect manufacturing operations and tr ansportation systems, growing attention is given to the development of en vironment management strategies for supply chains. A green supply chain aims at confining the wastes within the industrial system s o as to conserve energy and prevent the dissipation of harmful materials into the environment. Frequently researches in study on driv ers of Green Supply Chain Management are criticized for its narrow perspectives and lack of industrial relevance. So, it is a real need to find improved processes for adoption and im plementation of Green practices Green image in Manufacturing Industries. In the cur rent competitive scenario, the driver of Green Supp ly Chain Management assumes a significant importance and call for serio us research attention. The aim of this paper is to examining the Green practices in the selected Indian Manufacturing Companies. The ma in objectives of this paper are to gain critical and crucial drivers for implementation of Green Supply Chain Management in Indian Manufacturing Industries in various sectors likewise, two wheeler, four wheeler, and General Manufacturing sector wise comp anies. This paper has attempted to fill the gaps in the contemporary research in the study on drivers of Green Supply Chain Manageme nt in selected Indian corporate sectors. It is obse rved that Driver, DF10 i.e. ‘Employees Motivation, health & Safety’ have more i

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