
Abstract Azad Jammu and Kashmir is vulnerable to frequent risk of natural hazards. Flash floods remain the highest potential threat to communities in the area particularly during monsoon. This research studies investigate indigenous practices and methodologies adopted to mitigate flooding while to work out a feasible techniques for establishing a community based early warning system for flash flooding. For this purpose primary data was collected through a design questioner cluster survey by conducting FGDs at 55 flash flooding prone nullahs (streams) of Azad Jammu and Kashmir. Results obtained from primary data analysis through survey infers very high frequency of flash flooding in the year (nearly annual basis), which is attributed to seasonal variation in the area. For early warning system community suggested local capacities (loud, speakers, mobile network, and community religious centers) for dissemination of early warning to the community. Majority of the respondents advocated that the recommended early warning system to be installed at village mosque located at the central position of each community to ensure maximum effectiveness of the system. Alarm (siren), mobile SMS are the other options for the dissemination of early warning system.

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