
The study covers 687 citation appended to the 30 research articles published in four issues of (Allelopathy Journal . From the citation count it appears that sole research in Allelopathy is quite substantial only 35.52 %. About 64.48 % of the research work / contribution is result of team research. The team size is small ranging from two to five. Of the citation count 89.69% relate to journal article 6.11% to and 3.79 to conference papers. Indian citation have been found 10 be more with 65.65% and foreign citation 34.35% of the total citation.. The study reveals that 30.57% of the total citation are author self citation and 16.16% are journal self citation. The highest percentage of year wise journal citation was found to be 33.18% in the period of 1981-1990.

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