
Despite the constitutional protection and benefits in form of equal rights and affirmative action and the protective laws enacted for the protection and upliftment of scheduled castes and scheduled tribes, the caste-based discrimination is still persisting in India and the scheduled castes/tribes are frequently made targets of physical and sexual violence. This research paper aims to discuss the rate of registered cases of atrocities against scheduled castes and scheduled tribes in India. It is seen that the rate of crime against SCs/STs is rising and they are continually facing various types of atrocities committed by upper caste people. The states like Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan Andhra Pradesh and Bihar witness a high incidence of crimes against scheduled castes and scheduled tribes. Registered cases were taken from the National Crime Records Bureau ‘crime in India \’ for India and from DIG (deputy inspector general) Police Office, Nainital, Kumaun region (Uttarakhand) for Kumaun region of Uttarakhand.

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