
The study contains data from 3302 preys found in Barn owl pellets from 15 sites with- in the Provinces of Foggia and Bari (Apulia, Southern Italy). Eleven micromammal species were iden- tified. Microtus savii and Apodemus sylvaticus were the most frequents preys. No specimen of ,Clethri- onomys glareolus and Apodemus jlavicollis were found which is probably due to the habitat typolo- gy examined (all thermoxerophilous phytocoenosis). The Sorensen Index showed a high faunistic affin- ity among all the sites studied and other localities of Apulia. However, by applying the index of bio- cenotic differences (Renkonen) a difference some in localities, in relation to Microtus savii and In- sectivores abundance, was found.

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