
To the Editor :—In a paper entitled Secondary Cataract with Particular Reference to Transparent Globular Bodies, by Drs. Alfred Cowan and Wilfred E. Fry, published in the July issue (Arch. Ophth. 18: 12, 1937), on page 22 there is the following statement referring to a paper by Elschnig: In the report of neither case is there an accompanying description of the results of clinical or slit lamp examination. On page 12 the reference to Elschnig's paper is given ( Klin. Monatsbl. f. Augenh. 49: 444, 1911). It seems to me that the statement is rather anachronistic, considering the fact that Alvar Gullstrand published his illumination method for the first time in 1911 (Demonstration of Nernstslitlamp, Ber. u. d. Versamml. d. ophth. gesellsch. 37: 374, 1911), and owing to the efforts of O. Henker, of the Zeiss Works, the Gullstrand lamp was combined with the corneal

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