
On March 3, 1984, Mike (Hazem) Monsour, a 44-year old American citizen of Palestinian descent, arrived in the West Bank village of Deir Dibwan to visit his sick and aging mother. Almost one month later, on April 2, he was seized by Israeli soldiers. He would be imprisoned and tortured for twenty-two days without a charge ever being filed against him. Then, on April 24, Monsour was released and forcibly expelled from Israel, under a press blackout, so as to minimize the Israeli government's embarrassment. Throughout a lengthy interview, Monsour stressed that he would never have been released had it not been for the efforts of US Senator Pete Domenici, US Congressman Manuel Lujan, and New Mexico Governor Tony Anaya. Monsour also noted that the Associated Press and United Press International reported his imprisonment while his hometown newspaper, The Albuquerque Journal, carried stories on him. Moreover, the Palestinian press carried the Monsour story on an almost daily basis, and Mike cited the Arabic papers al-Fajr and al-Quds as being instrumental in informing West Bank and Gaza Palestinians of his situation. In addition, on April 20, the English-language al-Fajr had a front page article on

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