
SE33 was a well-known autosomal short tandem repeat (STR) marker that was high polymorphic and therefore was high discrimination power. The sequence structure of STR markers has been increasingly explored with next-generation sequencing (NGS) technology. The sequencing resulted in the development of a new locus designation and allele nomenclature that was also backward compatible with the conventional capillary electrophoresis. SE33 was one of the STR markers that had been coamplified by Forenseq™ Signature Prep Kit (Verogen) but were not analyzed and illustrated in the Universal Analysis Software (UAS) (Verogen). This study reported an ambiguous sequence-based allele 16.3 of the SE33 locus. This allele was observed while analyzed by STRait Razor 3.0. The configuration file was modified from the previous studies to include 15 bp of 5′ flanking region and 24 bp of 3′ flanking region. The ambiguous allele was called 16.3 (106 bp) with a read count of 2070. However, the sequence of the repeat region cannot be designated as allele 16.3. Several possible scenarios for allele designation were presented and discussed.

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