
In the course of a discussion of the nature of an ambiguity in the indexing of Renninger peaks the possibility was discovered of distinguishing some opposite directions in a cubic crystal without recourse to anomalous scattering. A multiple-diffraction experiment performed on a (111) Ge plate rotated about [222] enabled distinction between the [1{\bar 1}0] and [0{\bar 1}1] directions to be made. The azimuthal angles counted from alternative zero meridians containing [1{\bar 1}0] or [0{\bar 1}1] are the same, but give rise to peaks indexed hkl and 2 - l,2 - h,2 - k respectively. However, dynamically equivalent situations 222, hkl/(2 - h,2 - k,2 - l) and 222, (2 - l,2 - h,2 - k)/lhk are geometrically different, being distinguished as Bragg-Laue and Bragg-Bragg, respectively, or vice versa.

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