
An effective way to deal with classification problems, among other approaches, is using Fuzzy Rule-Based Classification Systems (FRBCSs). These classification systems are mainly composed of two modules, the Knowledge Base (KB) and the Fuzzy Reasoning Method (FRM). The KB is responsible for storing information related to the problem, while the FRM performs the classification of new examples based on the KB. A key point in the FRM is how the information given by the triggered fuzzy rules is aggregated. Several FRMs have been proposed in the literature employing generalizations of the Choquet Integral as the aggregation function. The usage of this function to perform the aggregation is efficient because it uses fuzzy measures to model the interrelationships between the data. Indeed, the performance of the classification system is strongly related to the underlying fuzzy measure. However, many of those generalizations have used fuzzy measures that do not properly model the interaction between the data. In this context, we intend to enhance the way how the relationships between the rules are modeled in the FRM of an FRBCS. In order to accomplish that, we propose the use of a well known fuzzy measure, the Sugeno lambda, as an alternative to the Power Measure, which is widely used in many generalizations of the Choquet Integral. The experimental evaluation shows statistical equivalent results comparing our method with the state-of-the-art fuzzy classifier.

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