
ABSTRACT The actinides, such as the uranium (U) element, are typically synthesized through the rapid neutron-capture process (r-process), which can occur in core-collapse supernovae or double neutron star mergers. There exist nine r-process giant stars exhibiting conspicuous U abundances, commonly referred to as U-rich giants. However, the origins of these U-rich giants remain ambiguous. We propose an alternative formation scenario for these U-rich giants whereby a red giant (RG) engulfs an Earth-like planet. To approximate the process of an RG engulfing an Earth-like planet, we employ an accretion model wherein the RG assimilates materials from said planet. Our findings demonstrate that this engulfment event can considerably enhance the presence of heavy elements originating from Earth-like planets on the surfaces of very metal-poor stars (Z = 0.00001), while its impact on solar-metallicity stars is comparatively modest. Importantly, the structural and evolutionary properties of both very metal-poor and solar-metallicity stars remain largely unaffected. Notably, our engulfment model effectively accounts for the observed U abundances in known U-rich giants. Furthermore, the evolutionary trajectories of U abundances on the surfaces of RGs subsequent to the engulfment of Earth-like planets encompass all known U-rich giants. Therefore, it is plausible that U-rich giants are formed when an RG engulfs an Earth-like planet.

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