
Varicose veins are very common clinical condition characterised by permanently dilated torturous elongated veins in the leg which is due to incompetence of valves. Risk factors being heredity, occupations of prolong standing, immobility, raised intra abdominal pressure, raised progesterone level, altered oestrogen-progesterone ratio etc. A 27 years old patient with no h/o any systemic disease or co morbidities came with complaints of dilated, tortuous veins in the left lower limb extending from mid-thigh to ankle region since 2 months. Since 1 month the patient was having dull aching pain over the left lower limb on walking and prolonged standing. A thorough clinical examination was done with findings of incompetent Sapheno-femoral junction(SFJ) and perforator incompetence of the left lower limb. A venous Doppler of the left lower limb revealed SFJ dilated and incompetent and Incompetent perforators along the GSV 5 cm below the knee. Following all routine preoperative work-ups, patient was posted for surgery. After ligating all the tributarirs of GSV, while checking the metallic stripper, it snapped in between and was not in a useable condition and there was no other metallic stripper in the OT. Decision had to be taken for an alternative the GSV was sucessfully stripped using a 14F Neltons catheter. Thus as an alternative to metallic stripper, a Neltons catheter can also be used for stripping varicose veins.

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