
Abstract We present ALMA observations of CO isotopes and 1.3 mm continuum emission toward the N159E-Papillon Nebula in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC). The spatial resolution is 0.″25–0.″28 (0.06–0.07 pc), which is a factor of 3 higher than previous ALMA observations in this region. The high resolution allowed us to resolve highly filamentary CO distributions with typical widths of ∼0.1 pc (full width half maximum) and line masses of a few 100 M ⊙ pc−1. The filaments (more than ten in number) show an outstanding hub-filament structure emanating from the nebular center toward the north. We identified for the first time two massive protostellar outflows of ∼104 yr dynamical age along one of the most massive filaments. The observations also revealed several pillar-like CO features around the Nebula. The H ii region and the pillars have a complementary spatial distribution and the column density of the pillars is an order of magnitude higher than that of the pillars in the Eagle nebula (M16) in the Galaxy, suggesting an early stage of pillar formation with an age younger than ∼105 yr. We suggest that a cloud–cloud collision triggered the formation of the filaments and protostar within the last ∼2 Myr. It is possible that the collision is more recent, as part of the kpc-scale H i flows come from the tidal interaction resulting from the close encounter between the LMC and SMC ∼200 Myr ago as suggested for R136 by Fukui et al.

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