
How to make an accurate representation of protein-DNA interaction by an energy function is a long-standing unsolved problem in structural biology. Here, we modified a statistical potential based on the distance-scaled, finite ideal-gas reference state so that it is optimized for protein-DNA interactions. The changes include a volume-fraction correction to account for unmixable atom types in proteins and DNA in addition to the usage of a low-count correction, residue/base-specific atom types, and a shorter cutoff distance for protein-DNA interactions. The new statistical energy functions are tested in threading and docking decoy discriminations and prediction of protein-DNA binding affinities and transcription-factor binding profiles. The results indicate that new proposed energy functions are among the best in existing energy functions for protein-DNA interactions. The new energy functions are available as a web-server called DDNA 2.0 at http://sparks.informatics.iupui.edu. The server version was trained by the entire 212 protein-DNA complexes.

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