
Aluminium anions with an unoccupied orbital are generally considered as highly difficult synthetic targets, as aluminium is the most electropositive element in the p block. Stabilizing effects from two nitrogen substituents and/or the coordination of a Lewis base were recently used to synthesize the first examples of anionic nucleophilic aluminium species. Here we show the synthesis and properties of a potassium salt of a non-stabilized dialkylaluminium anion that exhibits very strong basicity, which reflects the electropositive character of aluminium. An X-ray diffraction analysis revealed a monomeric structure and the shortest Al-K distance hitherto reported. The ultraviolet visible spectrum in combination with density functional theory calculations suggests an electronic structure characterized by a lone pair of electrons and an unoccupied p orbital on the aluminium centre. This species readily deprotonates benzene to form the corresponding (hydrido)(phenyl)aluminate. Reactions with other electrophiles corroborate the nucleophilicity of the aluminium centre.

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