
In 1986, 630,000 children under the age of 15 were living in Queensland. This accounted for 17% of Australia's pediatric population. That year there were 39 pediatric deaths in Queensland resulting from road traffic incidents. Another 408 injured children were admitted to hospital. Less than 20% of these children were treated in an accident and emergency (A&E) department staffed by a qualified pediatrician. Only 35% of the A&E departments were staffed by a qualified emergency physician. A Pediatric Trauma Board is proposed, which will lead to improvement in the care of injured or critically ill pediatric patients. This board is made of pre-marked whiteboard and includes normal pediatric values and replacement fluid flow charts; it is approximately three feet in height and six feet in width. The Board is aimed primarily at nonpediatric clinicians who may or may not be specifically trained or interested in emergency medicine. It provides quick, easy access to the normal values of vital signs for children of different ages and sizes. It enables accurate calculation of the fluid requirements for resuscitation and provides a means for following the response to this therapy. Drug doses per weight are provided. A copy of the board can be made on size A4 photostats for inclusion in the hospital chart as part of the admission notes.

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